Aligners and Eating Habits

I just started my aligner journey a week ago, and I’m struggling a bit with my eating habits. Taking the aligners out every time I want to eat or drink something other than water feels like a hassle. Does anyone have any tips on how to manage eating and snacking with aligners? How do you cope with the inconvenience? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I totally get where you’re coming from. When I first started with aligners, I felt the same way. One thing that helped me was planning my meals and snacks better. Instead of grazing throughout the day, I began having set meal times. This way, I reduced the number of times I had to take my aligners out. Also, I started carrying a small aligner case with me everywhere. It made the whole process of removing and storing them much easier and more sanitary.

I had a tough time adjusting at first too, but I found that having smoothies and other soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing can be a great way to minimize the hassle. They’re quick to consume, so you don’t have to keep your aligners out for too long. Plus, they’re healthy and can be quite filling. Drinking lots of water throughout the day also helped me stay full and reduced the need for frequent snacking.