Anyone Else Getting Crazy Food Cravings with Aligners?

So here’s the deal: ever since I popped in these aligners, I’ve been getting mad cravings for snacks all day long. Not sure if it’s just boredom from not munching on stuff or what, but it’s tough! How do y’all deal with this? Need some hacks to handle these munchies without messing up my aligner schedule.

totally feel you on this. What I do is kinda plan my meals and snacks more strategically now. I save my aligner out-time for my main meals and like one or two snack breaks where I go all out. Keeps the cravings in check and I don’t feel like I’m always missing out.

I got you, dude. When those snack attacks hit, I lean on stuff like chewing gum (sugar-free, obvs) or I sip on some ice water. It kinda tricks my brain into thinking I’m eating something without actually eating. Plus, it’s all safe for the aligners.

Yeah, the snack cravings are real. I switched to healthier snacks that I can eat quickly and clean up easily. Think sliced apples, carrots, stuff like that. Good for a quick munch and easy on the cleaning after. Plus, they’re crunchy, so they satisfy that urge.

started prepping my snacks in advance—like having little bags of almonds or veggies ready to go. It helps because I know exactly when I can have them and it stops me from overdoing it or reaching for something not so great for my teeth or aligners.

Dude, I feel ya. It’s like you want to eat everything in sight just because you can’t. What worked for me was upping my hydration game. Drinking more water or flavored water helped keep my mouth busy and my belly kinda full. Also gives you that clean mouth vibe which is great for when you gotta pop the aligners back in.

Yo, the struggle is legit. I started brushing my teeth more or at least rinsing out with mouthwash after a snack, which kinda became a hassle. Made me rethink if I really wanted that snack or not. Plus, with fresh breath, I wasn’t as tempted to eat again.

When I’m hit with those cravings, I just set specific times that I know I’ll have my aligners out and plan around those. Helps keep me from feeling deprived and keeps the cravings at bay.