Best way in cleaning your aligners?

I’ve just started using aligners and I’m a bit unsure about the best way to clean them. I’ve heard different things from different people, and I want to make sure I’m doing it right to keep them in good condition and avoid any bad smells or stains. What cleaning methods do you all use, and how often do you clean your aligners? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

congrats on starting your aligner journey! I’ve been using aligners for about six months now, and I’ve found that cleaning them twice a day works best for me. I use a soft toothbrush and a clear, unscented soap to gently brush them in the morning and before bed. Make sure to rinse them thoroughly to avoid any soap residue. Also, avoid using toothpaste as it can be abrasive and cause scratches.

I had the same concerns when I started. What works for me is soaking the aligners in a denture or retainer cleaning solution once a day. I usually do this while I’m having breakfast, so it doesn’t interfere with my routine. This helps in keeping them fresh and free from bacteria. In between, I also rinse them with lukewarm water and brush them gently. Avoid hot water as it can warp the plastic.

Keeping aligners clean is super important. I use a mixture of water and white vinegar once a week to soak my aligners. It’s a natural disinfectant and helps in removing any stubborn stains or build-up. The rest of the week, I brush them gently with a toothbrush and some mild dish soap. It’s crucial to keep them clean to prevent any odors or discoloration. Also, make sure to brush your teeth after every meal before putting the aligners back in.

I’ve been using aligners for over a year, and my method involves a combination of brushing and soaking. I brush my aligners every night with a toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove any food particles. Once a week, I soak them in a hydrogen peroxide solution for about 15 minutes. This helps to keep them clear and disinfected. Consistency is key, so find a routine that works best for you and stick to it.