Do Aligners Make You Lose Weight?

So, I’ve been wearing aligners for a couple of months now, and I’ve noticed I’m losing weight. I’m not complaining, but it’s got me wondering, is this a thing? Do aligners actually help you lose weight because you have to take them out to eat?

I’ve been on aligners for about five months, and I swear I’ve lost a few pounds. It’s funny because I didn’t expect it, but I think it’s because I’m snacking less. I mean, every time I want to eat something, I have to take the aligners out, brush my teeth after, and then put them back in. It’s enough of a hassle that I’ve cut out all the random snacking I used to do. My orthodontist even mentioned that some people lose weight during treatment for this exact reason.

I didn’t realize it at first, but I’ve definitely lost some weight since I started aligners. It’s all about that constant reminder—you have to take them out, eat, clean your teeth, and put them back in. It’s not like you can just grab a handful of chips whenever you feel like it. I’m making healthier choices because I’m not going to go through all that effort just for junk food. And yeah, it’s been a pretty unexpected side effect!

I’ve cut down on snacks big time, and it’s because the whole process of taking out the aligners, eating, and brushing afterward just makes me think twice before grabbing a snack. It’s like built-in portion control. I actually plan my meals more carefully now because I don’t want to deal with taking the aligners out and in constantly. I guess that’s where the weight loss comes from.

I’ve been wearing aligners for a few months, and I’ve lost weight without even trying. It’s not like I’m dieting, but I’ve definitely stopped the mindless snacking. It’s such a hassle to take them out just to eat a cookie or something. Now, I only eat when I’m actually hungry, and I make sure it’s worth the effort of brushing and cleaning afterward. It’s a bit like built-in discipline.

This totally happened to me too. I lost about 10 pounds over my treatment time, and I wasn’t even trying. I think it’s because I stopped drinking sugary drinks like soda and juice. I was so used to sipping on things throughout the day, but with aligners, I only drink water when they’re in. So not only am I snacking less, but I’m also cutting out empty calories from drinks. It’s kind of like aligners are secretly a weight-loss tool.

I didn’t expect weight loss either, but I’ve noticed it happening! I think part of it is because I’m just more mindful of when and what I’m eating. The whole process of having to remove the aligners makes me pause and think, “Do I really want that snack right now?” It’s stopped a lot of the random eating I used to do. And now, I find myself making healthier choices when I do eat because I don’t want to go through the hassle for something unhealthy.

I’ve lost about five pounds since starting aligners, and I think it’s because I’m not constantly grazing like I used to. You get so used to having the aligners in that you kind of forget about food unless you’re genuinely hungry. I used to snack out of boredom, but now it’s more intentional. And since I have to brush and clean after every meal or snack, I just end up eating less overall.

I lost some weight during my aligner treatment, but I think it was mainly because I stopped eating junk food. Like others have said, taking the aligners out and brushing afterward makes you rethink grabbing that candy bar. I wasn’t expecting this side effect, but it’s definitely helped me cut down on snacking and stick to regular meals. It’s kind of like an accidental diet.

I didn’t realize this was a thing until I read this thread, but now that you mention it, I think aligners might have contributed to my weight loss too. I used to snack all the time, but with aligners, it’s just too much of a hassle to keep taking them out for every little bite. I’m also drinking way more water because that’s the only thing you can have with them in. So, yeah, I guess aligners have helped me lose a few pounds without even trying!