Which One is Better? Aligners or Traditional Braces

I’m trying to decide between aligners and traditional braces. I’ve heard pros and cons for both, but I’m still on the fence. Has anyone here had experience with either or both? What are your thoughts on which one is better?

I had traditional braces when I was a teenager and aligners as an adult. Here’s my take:

  • Traditional Braces- very effective, especially for complex cases. But they can be uncomfortable and harder to clean around.
  • Aligners - Much more comfortable and invisible, but you need discipline to wear them as prescribed.

If your case isn’t too complicated, I’d say go for aligners. They’re less noticeable and easier to manage.

I went with aligners and loved the experience. Here’s why:

  1. Appearance: They’re almost invisible.
  2. Comfort: No sharp edges or wires poking.
  3. Flexibility: You can take them out to eat and brush your teeth.

But like Lepic said, it requires discipline. You need to wear them for 20-22 hours a day.

I prefer aligners for the convenience and comfort, but braces were necessary for my more complex dental issues.

Make sure to ask all your questions during the consultation. Keep us updated!